
Writing a full-length novel can be so rewarding, but it can also be a lot of work, leaving one with a feeling of satisfaction laced with a healthy dose of self-doubt. (healthy self-doubt? really?) But sometimes, it’s not enough. I offer the case of my recent announcements that I am going to rewrite my debut novel, Phoenix Flower, so that it will fit seamlessly with and form the finale of the saga started in Utopia’s Edge.

This might be best filed under: Are You Freekin Nuts? Maybe I am, and maybe not. Let me explain briefly - no boring details, I promise, only a healthy bit of humility and a dose of honesty. It had to be done for a number of reasons.

Reason 1: Although it is a great story, it flat out doesn’t continue or even sync with the first novel of the saga: Utopia’s Edge. And that prequel is, IMO, much more exciting and better written that the one in question. Phoenix Flower has received much praise, but it’s just not enough for me to say “they liked it, so I should too.” I need to have more Proud Papa feelings here.

Reason 2: Our recent history here in the US has actually caught up with and somewhat surpassed many of the speculations I made in creating the dystopia of the first edition. In other words, what was fresh and exciting when I first wrote it has become sadly real in our world today. Okay - I’m about to change that - mostly all of that.

Where it stands today: I have restructured the story arc so it now fits seamlessly as a continuation of Utopia’s Edge. The new story will be faster paced and has become more focused. Some of my readers alerted me that the first edition was a difficult read in spots - due to number of characters and complexity of detail. Okay, I get it. My writing today is more direct, less overdone in terms of complexity. I’m pretty sure you are going to like it. Timeframe: I expect to have this edition finished and edited by March, 2024, and I’m looking forward to a release date of May 1. Stay tuned right here as I will provide updates as well as some anecdotal feedback on the process I’m going through every step of the way.

Now for some really good news: I promise my readers an experience in each of my books that they can count on to satisfy. To keep that promise, I will replace anyone’s copy of Edition 1 of Phoenix Flower with a brand new Edition 2 at no charge. You mail me the original, I will replace it with the new version as soon as it is available.

And more. . . Anyone who signs up for my newsletter (link at the top of this web page) I will add your name to my “Best Readers” list and you will be able to purchase Phoenix Flower, Edition 2 at a significant discount.


Author/Editor/Business Manager/Marketer/Office Cleaner